Essays by Robert Louis Stevenson

Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes, 1878

Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes, 1878 Read the Virtual Book Summary Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes is a series of essays describing different areas of Edinburgh: the Old Town, the Parliament Close, Greyfriar’s Kirkyard, the New Town, the villas in Morningside, Calton Hill and the Pentlands. Stevenson discusses how Edinburgh is a doubled city of contrasts often placed one [...]

Virginibus Puerisque, 1881

Virginibus Puerisque, 1881 Read the Virtual Book Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers Contents "Virginibus Puerisque i" (1876) "Virginibus Puerisque ii" (1881) "Virginibus Puerisque iii: On Falling in Love" (1877) "Virginibus Puerisque iv: The Truth of Intercourse" (1879) "Crabbed Age and Youth" (1878) "An Apology for Idlers" (1877) "Ordered South" (1874) "Aes Triplex" (1878) "El Dorado" [...]

Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882

Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882 Read the Virtual Book Familiar Studies of Men and Books Contents "Preface, by Way of Criticism" (not previously published) "Victor Hugo’s Romances" (1874) "Some Aspects of Robert Burns" (1879) "Walt Whitman" (1878) "Henry David Thoreau: His Character and Opinions" (1880) "Yoshida-Torajiro" (1880) "François Villon, Student, Poet, and Housebreaker" (1877) [...]

Songs of Travel and Other Verses, 1895

Songs of Travel and Other Verses, 1895 Read the Virtual Book Songs of Travel and Other Verses Contents I. The Vagabond—Give to me the life I love; II. Youth and Love: i.—Once only by the garden gate; III. Youth and Love: ii.—To the heart of youth the world is a highwayside; IV. In dreams, unhappy, [...]

Across the Plains with Other Memories and Essays, 1892

Across the Plains with Other Memories and Essays, 1892 Read the Virtual Book Across the Plains Contents "Epilogue to An Inland Voyage" (1888) "The Lantern Bearers" (1888) "A Chapter on Dreams" (1888) "Beggars" (1888) "Contributions to the History of Fife: Random Memories" (1888) "The Education of an Engineer: More Random Memories" (1888) "Across the Plains: Leaves [...]

In the South Seas, 1896

In the South Seas, 1896 Read the Virtual Book | View Images Summary Towards the end of the Equator cruise, RLS started trying to put together the material he had collected about South Seas culture, language, traditions and society: anthropology, history, sociology together with personal impressions. He had already agreed with S. S. McClure (in [...]

Essays of Travel, 1905

Essays of Travel, 1905 Read the Virtual Book Note: Essays of Travel (London: Chatto and Windus, 1905) was assembled after Stevenson’s death and includes some of the author’s travel essays that were not collected in volumes during his lifetime. This volume will be particularly useful for those who wish to read more about travelling in [...]

Memories and Portraits, 1887

Memories and Portraits, 1887 Read the Virtual Book Memories and Portraits Contents "The Foreigner at Home" (1882) "Some College Memories" (1886) "Old Mortality" (1884) "An Old Scotch Gardener" (1871) "Pastoral" (1887) "The Manse" (1887) "A Humble Remonstrance" (1884) "A College Magazine" (not previously published) "A Penny Plain and Twopence Coloured" (1884) "A Gossip on Romance" (1882) [...]

Uncollected Essays

Uncollected Essays RLS with Quill Pen (1886) UNCOLLECTED ESSAYS, by year of publication The following is a brief guide to first publication of RLS’s uncollected essays. While some of these essays have subsequently been published in volumes of RLS’s writings, RLS never organized these for publication in the same way that he compiled Virginibus Puerisque [...]