A Chronology of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Works


The following is a brief guide to first publication (by order of publication date) and significant early republications of Stevenson’s principal works (not including brief reviews, single poems, privately published or unpublished works). Part publications are listed in order of the date of their last part. For further information the essential source is Swearingen, Roger G. (1980). The Prose Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson: A Guide. Hamden, CT/London: Shoe String (Archon)/Macmillan, a complete chronological bibliography of the prose writings (in order of composition) with comments and cross-references to critical works of relevance, indications of the location of mss., notes on sources, on the process of composition and revisions and much else. Collectors may wish to consult the bibliography of early editions prepared by Tiger Books of Westbere, near Canterbury (UK).

The titles of volumes are in bold italic. These are also listed in the short list of works. Edin Ed = The Edinburgh Edition; Cent Ed = Centenary Edition; Tus = Tusitala Edition; Vail Ed = Vailima Edition (see Collected Works)


’The Pentland Rising’. Edinburgh: Privately printed (Andrew Eliott). Edin. Ed. 21 (1896). Tus 28.


‘An Old Scotch Gardener’. Edinburgh University Magazine (1871). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘Edinburgh Students in 1824’, ‘The Modern Student Considered Generally’, ‘The Philosophy of Umbrellas’, ‘Debating Societies’, ‘The Philosophy of Nomenclature’. Edinburgh University Magazine (1871). Edin Ed 21; Tus 25, 29.


‘Roads’. The Portfolio 4 (Dec 1873). Tus 25.


‘Ordered South’. Macmillan’s Magazine 30 (May 1874). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘Lord Lytton’s Fables in Song’. Fortnightly Review ns 15 (June 1874): 817-823. Tus 28.

‘Review: The Ballads and Songs of Scotland’. The Academy (8 Aug 1874). Tus 28.

‘Review: Scottish Rivers’. The Academy (15 Aug 1874). Tus 28.

‘Victor Hugo’s Romances’. Cornhill Magazine 30 (Aug 1874). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘Notes on the Movements of Young Children’. The Portfolio 5 (Aug 1874). Tus 25.

‘On the Enjoyment of Unpleasant Places’. The Portfolio 5 (Nov 1874). Tus 25.

‘Review: A Quiet Corner of England’. The Academy (5 Dec 1874). Tus 28.


’Review: The Works of Edgar Allan Poe’. The Academy (2 January 1875). Tus 28.

‘An Autumn Effect’. The Portfolio 6 (Apr 1875). Tus 30.

‘An Appeal to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland, With a Note for the Laity’. Edinburgh and London: Blackwood.

‘John Knox and his Relations to Women’. Macmillan’s Magazine 32 (Sep 1875). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘Pierre Jean de Béranger’. Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th Ed. (1875). Tus 28.

‘Measure of a Marquis’ [review]. Vanity Fair 25 (25 Nov. 1875): 305-6. Unpublished since then.


‘Forest Notes’. Cornhill Magazine 33 (May 1876). Tus 30.

‘Salvini’s Macbeth’. The Academy (3 June 1876). Tus 28.

‘Review: Jules Verne’s Stories’. The Academy (3 June 1876)

‘Walking Tours’. Cornhill Magazine 33 (June 1876). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘Review: The Comedy of the Noctes Ambosianae’. The Academy (22 July 1876). Tus 28.

‘Virginibus Puerisque’. Cornhill Magazine 34 (Aug 1876). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881). [This is just Part I of the four linked essays under the ‘Virginibus Puerisque’ title in the 1881 volume; part II published in 1881 for the first time; Part III is ‘On Falling in Love’, pub. 1877; Part IV is ‘The Truth of Intercourse, pub. 1879]]

‘Charles of Orleans’. Cornhill Magazine 34 (Dec 1876). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘Mr. Browning Again!’ Vanity Fair (11 Dec 1875): 332-3. Unpublished since then.


‘An Old Song’. London (Feb-March 1877). Roger G. Swearingen (ed). “An Old Song”…and…”Edifying Letters of the Rutherford Family”. Hamden, Conn/Paisley, Scotland: Archon/Wilfion (1982).

‘On Falling in Love’. Cornhill Magazine 35 (Feb 1877). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘An Apology for Idlers’. Cornhill Magazine 36 (July 1877). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘François Villon, student, poet, housebreaker’. Cornhill Magazine 36 (Aug 1877). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘A Lodging for the Night: A Story of Francis Villon’. Temple Bar 51 (Oct 1877). Included in New Arabian Nights (1882), where the subtitle is omitted on the contents page but is included at the head of the first page of the text itself.

‘Our City Men. No. 1–A Salt-Water Financier’. London  1: 9-10. Unpublished since then.

‘The Book of the Week. Mr. Tennyson’s Harold’. London  1: 18-19. Unpublished since then.

‘In the Latin Quarter. No.  I.–A Ball At Mr. Elsinare’s’. London 2: 41-2.
[repr. The Stevensonian [London] 2 (1965): 2-7]

‘In the Latin Quarter. No.  II.–A Studio of Ladies’. London 3: 64. Unpublished since then.

‘The Paris Bourse’. London  4: 88. [repr. The Stevensonian [London] 2 (1965): 2-7]

‘The Book of the Week. Wallace’s Russia’. London  4: 92-3. Unpublished since then.


‘Will O’ the Mill’. Cornhill Magazine 37 (Jan 1878). Included in The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables (1887).

‘The Sire de Malétroit’s Door’. Temple Bar 52 (Jan 1878). Included in New Arabian Nights (1882).

‘Crabbed Age and Youth’. Cornhill Magazine 37 (Mar 1878). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

An Inland Voyage. London: Kegan Paul (1878). Tus 17.

‘Aes Triplex’. Cornhill Magazine 37 (Apr 1878). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘A Plea for Gas Lamps’. London (Apr 1878). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘Pan’s Pipes’. London (May 1878). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘El Dorado’. London (May 1878). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘Latter-Day Arabian Nights’: (i) ‘The Suicide Club’ (‘Story of the Young Man with the Cream Tarts’, ‘Story of the Physician and the Saratoga Trunk’, ‘The Adventure of the Hansom Cabs’), and (ii) ‘The Rajah’s Diamond’ (‘Story of the Bandbox’, ‘Story of the Young Man in Holy Orders’, ‘Story of the House with the Green Blinds’, ‘The Adventure of Prince Florizel and a Detective’). London June-Oct 1878. Included in New Arabian Nights (1882).

‘The English Admirals’. Cornhill Magazine 38 (July 1878). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881). Tus 25.

‘Child’s Play’. Cornhill Magazine 38 (Sep 1878). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

‘The Gospel According to Walt Whitman’. New Quarterly Magazine 10 (Oct 1878). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘Providence and the Guitar’. London (Nov 1878). Included in New Arabian Nights (1882).

‘Notes on Edinburgh’. The Portfolio 9 (Jun-Dec 1878). Published with additional sections in Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes (1878). 
Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes. London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday (1878). Tus 26.


‘Truth of Intercourse’. Cornhill Magazine 39 (May 1879). Included in Virginibus Puerisque (1881).

Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes. London: Kegan Paul (1879). Tus 17.

‘Some Aspects of Robert Burns’. Cornhill Magazine 490 (Oct 1879). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘The Story of a Lie’. New Quarterly Magazine 25 (Oct 1879). Tus 14.

‘San Carlos Day’. Monterey Californian 11 November 1879. [Republished by G.R. Stewart, Scribner’s Magazine August 1920; also in Hart,  From Scotland to Silverado. 1966.]


‘Yoshida-Torajiro’. Cornhill Magazine 41 (Mar 1880). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘Henry David Thoreau: His Character and Opinions’. Cornhill Magazine 41 (Jun 1880). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

‘The Pavilion on the Links’. Cornhill Magazine 42-43 (Sept-Oct 1880). Revised and included in New Arabian Nights (1882). (The Cornhill version is reprinted in Treasure Island ; The New Arabian Nights ed. with an introd. by M. R. Ridley: London/NY: Dent/Dutton (Everyman’s Library). 1962.)

‘The Old Pacific Capital’. Fraser’s Magazine 131 (Nov 1880). Included in Across the Plains (1892).


‘Samuel Pepys’. Cornhill Magazine 44 (Mar 1881). Included in Familiar Studies of Men and Books (1882).

Virginibus Puerisque and other Papers. London: Kegan Paul (1881). Tus 25. [For the four Virginibus Puerisque essays, see note under 1876.] Contents: ‘Virginibus Puerisque’ i., ii., iii. ‘On Falling in Love’, iv. ‘Truth of Intercourse’,  ‘Crabbed Age and Youth’, ‘An Apology for Idlers’, ‘Ordered South’, ‘Aes Triplex’, ‘El Dorado’, ‘The English Admirals’, ‘Some Portraits by Raeburn’ [previously unpublished], ‘Child’s Play’, ‘Walking Tours’, ‘Pan’s Pipes’, ‘A Plea for Gas Lamps’.

‘Health and Mountains’. Pall Mall Gazette (17 Feb. 1881). Tus. 30.

‘Davos in Winter’. Pall Mall Gazette (21 Feb. 1881). Tus. 30.

‘Alpine Diversions’. Pall Mall Gazette (26 Feb. 1881). Tus. 30.

‘The Stimulation of the Alps’. Pall Mall Gazette (5 Mar 1881). Tus. 30.

‘The Misgivings of Convalescence’. Pall Mall Gazette (17 Mar 1881). Unpublished since then.

‘The Morality of the Profession of Letters’. Fortnightly Review ns 157 (Apr 1881). Tus 28.

‘Thrawn Janet’. Cornhill Magazine 44 (Oct 1881). Included in The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables (1887).


Treasure Island; or the Mutiny of the Hispaniola (by ‘Capt. Geo. North’). Young Folks 19-20 (Oct 1881-Jan 1882). Revised and issued as a volume in 1883.

Familiar Studies of Men and Books. London: Chatto & Windus (1882). Tus 27. 
Contents: ‘Preface, by Way of Criticism’ [not previously published], ‘Victor Hugo’s Romances’, ‘Some Aspects of Robert Burns’, ‘Walt Whitman’, ‘Henry David Thoreau: His Character and Opinions’, ‘Yoshida-Torajiro’, ‘François Villon, student, poet, housebreaker’, ‘Charles of Orleans’, ‘Samuel Pepys’, ‘John Knox and his Relations to Women’.

‘Byways of Book Illustration: Bagster’s Pilgrim’s Progress’. The Magazine of Art 5 ns pt 16 (Feb 1882). Tus 28.

‘Talk and Talkers’ and ‘Talk and Talkers (a Sequel)’. Cornhill Magazine 45-6 (Apr, Aug 1882). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘The Foreigner at Home’. Cornhill Magazine 45 (May 1882). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘The Merry Men’. Cornhill Magazine 45-6 (June-July 1882). Included in The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables (1887).

‘Moral Emblems’.  Davos: The Davos PressS L Osbourne & Co. Reproduced in facsimile in Edin Ed 28 (1898).

‘The Graver and the Pen’. Davos: The Davos Press/ S L Osbourne & Co. Reproduced in facsimile in Edin Ed 28 (1898).

‘Moral Tales’. Davos: The Davos Press/ S L Osbourne & Co. Reproduced in facsimile in Edin Ed 28 (1898).

New Arabian Nights. London: Chatto & Windus (1882). Tus 1. Contents: ‘New Arabian Nights’, ‘The Pavilion on the Links’ , ‘A Lodging for the Night: A Story of Francis Villon’, ‘The Sire de Malétroit’s Door’, ‘Providence and the Guitar’

‘Byways of Book Illustration: Two Japanese Romances’. The Magazine of Art 5 ns pt 25 (Nov 1882). Tus 28.

‘A Gossip on Romance’. Longman’s Magazine 1 (Nov 1882). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).


‘A Modern Cosmopolis’. The Magazine of Art 6 ns pt 31 (May 1883). Combined with ‘The Old Pacific Capital’ (1880) as ‘The Old and New Pacific Capitals’ in Edin Ed 3 and Tus 18.

‘The Treasure of Franchard’. Longman’s Magazine 1-2 (Apr-May 1883). Included in The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables (1887).

Treasure Island. London: Cassell (1883). Tus 3.

‘Across the Plains: Leaves from the Notebook of an Emigrant Between New York and San Francisco’. Longman’s Magazine 2 (July-Aug 1883). Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘The Black Arrow: A Tale of Tunstall Forest’ (by ‘Capt. Geo. North’). Young Folks 22-23 (Jun-Oct 1883). Published as a volume in 1888.

‘A Note on Realism’. The Magazine of Art 7 (Nov 1883). Tus 28.


‘The Siverado Squatters’. Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (Nov-Dec 1883).

The Silverado Squatters. London/Boston: Chatto & Windus/Roberts Brothers (1884).

‘The Character of Dogs’. The English Illustrated Magazine 5 (Feb 1884). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘A Penny Plain and Twopence Coloured’. The Magazine of Art 7 ns pt 42 (Apr 1884). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘Old Mortality’. Longman’s Magazine 4 (May 1884). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘Fontainebleau: Village Communities of Painters’. The Magazine of Art 7 ns pt 43-4 (May-June 1884). Tus 30 (where it has the title ‘Fontainebleau’).

‘A Humble Remonstrance’. Longman’s Magazine 5 (Dec 1884). Included (with additional final paragraph) in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘The Body Snatcher’. Pall Mall Christmas Extra 13 (Dec 1884). Tus 11.


A Child’s Garden of Verses. London/New York: Longmans, Green/Scribner’s (1885). (6 poems previously printed in The Magazine of Art, Mar-Sep 1884).

(with Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson) More New Arabian Nights: The Dynamiter. London: Longmans, Green (1885). Tus 3.

‘On Some Technical Elements of Style in Literature’. Contemporary Review 47 (Apr 1885). Tus 28.

‘Prince Otto’. Longman’s Magazine (Apr-Oct 1885).

Prince Otto. London: Chatto & Windus (1885). Tus 4.

‘Olalla’. Court and Society Review (Christmas 1885). Included in The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables (1887).

‘Markheim’. The Broken Shaft: Tales of Mid-Ocean (ed. H. Norman) [Unwin’s Christmas Annual]. London: T. Fisher Unwin (Dec 1885). Included in The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables (1887). (see also 1993.)


Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. London: Longmans, Green (1886). Tus 5.

‘Kidnapped: or, The Lad with the Silver Button’. Young Folks 28-9 (May-July 1886).

‘Some College Memories’. The New Amphion: Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Union Fair. Edinburgh: David Douglas (1886). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).


The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Scribner’s (1887). Tus 8. 
Contents: ‘The Merry Men’, ‘Will O’ the Mill’, ‘Markheim’, ‘Thrawn Janet’, ‘Olalla’, ‘The Treasure of Franchard’

‘Pastoral’. Longman’s Magazine 9 (Apr 1887). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘The Day After Tomorrow’. The Contemporary Review 51 (Apr 1887). Tus 26.

‘Books Which Have Influenced Me’. British Weekly (May 1887). Tus 28. Also in British Weekly” Extras. No. 1. Books Which Have Influenced Me. London: British Weekly, 1887, pp. 3-16.

‘The Manse’. Scribner’s Magazine (May 1887) 1: 611-14. Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

‘Thomas Stevenson, Civil Engineer’. The Contemporary Review 51 (June 1887). Included in Memories and Portraits (1887).

Underwoods. London: Chatto & Windus (1887). (Poems previously published in Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes (1879) and in The Magazine of Art, Alma Mater’s MirrorThe Century MagazineThe Cornhill MagazineThe Atlantic MonthlyThe Scottish ChurchFraser’s Magazine Oct 1880 – Apr 1887).

Memories and Portraits. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Scribner’s (Nov/Dec 1887). Tus 29. Contents: ‘The Foreigner at Home’, ‘Some College Memories’, ‘Old Mortality’, ‘A College Magazine’ [not previously printed], ‘An Old Scotch Gardener’, ‘Pastoral’, ‘The Manse’, ‘Memoirs of an Islet’ [not previously printed], ‘Thomas Stevenson, Civil Engineer’, ‘Talk and Talkers: First Paper’ and ‘Talk and Talkers: Second Paper’, ‘The Character of Dogs’, ‘A Penny Plain and Twopence Coloured’, ‘A Gossip on a Novel of Dumas’s’ [not previously printed], ‘A Gossip on Romance’, ‘A Humble Remonstrance’.

‘The Misadventures of John Nicholson. A Christmas Story’. Yule Tide…Cassell’s Christmas Annual (Dec 1887). Tus 13.


Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. London/New York: Longmans, Green (1888). Tus 19.

‘A Chapter on Dreams’. Scribner’s Magazine 3 (Jan 1888) : 122-8. Tus 30. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘The Lantern Bearers’. Scribner’s Magazine 3 (Feb 1888): 251-6. Tus. 30. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘Beggars’. Scribner’s Magazine 3 (Mar 1888): 380-4. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘Pulvis et Umbra’. Scribner’s Magazine 3 (Apr 1888): 509-12. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘Gentlemen’. Scribner’s Magazine 3 (May 1888): 635-40. Tus 26.

‘Some Gentlemen in Fiction’. Scribner’s Magazine 3 (June 1888) : 764-8. Tus 26.

‘Popular Authors’. Scribner’s Magazine 4 (July 1888) : 122-8. Tus 28.

‘Epilogue to An Inland Voyage’. Scribner’s Magazine 4 (Aug 1888): 250-6. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

The Black Arrow: A Tale of Two Roses. New York/London: Scribner’s/Cassell (1888). Tus 9.

‘A Letter to a Young Gentleman who Proposes to Embrace the Career of Art’. Scribner’s Magazine 4 (Sep 1888): 377-381. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘Contributions to the History of Fife: Random Memories’. Scribner’s Magazine 4 (Oct 1888): 507-12. Tus. 30. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘The Education of an Engineer: More Random Memories’. Scribner’s Magazine 4 (Nov 1888): 636-40. Tus. 30. Included in Across the Plains (1892).

‘A Christmas Sermon’. Scribner’s Magazine 4 (Dec 1888): 764-8. Included in Across the Plains (1892).


‘The Master of Ballantrae’. Scribner’s Magazine (Nov 1888-Oct 1889).

The Master of Ballantrae: A Winter’s Tale. New York/London: Scribner’s/Cassell (1889). Stevenson’s ‘Preface’ first published in the Edin Ed 28 (1898). Tus 10.

(with Lloyd Osbourne) The Wrong Box. New York/London: Scribner’s/Longmans, Green (1889). Tus 11. Mehew, Ernest (ed). The Wrong Box: The Authentic Text. London: Nonesuch (1989).


Ballads. London: Chatto & Windus (1890). (‘Ticonderoga’ previously published in Scribner’s Magazine, Dec 1887; ‘Christmas at Sea’ in The Scots Observer, Dec 1888.)

‘Father Damien. An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr Hyde of Honolulu’. The Scots Observer (May 1890).


‘The South Seas: Life under the Equator: Letters from a Leisurely Traveller’. The Sun [New York]/ ‘The South Seas: A Record of Three Cruises’, Black and White [London] (Feb-Dec 1891). Published as a volume in 1896.

‘The Bottle Imp’. Herald [New York] (Feb-March)/Black and White [London] (March-April). Included in Island Nights’ Entertainments (1893).


‘The Beach of Falesà’. Illustrated London News (July-Aug 1892). Included (with revisions) in Island Nights’ Entertainments (1893). Menikoff, Barry (ed.)., Robert Louis Stevenson and the The Beach of Falesà: A Study in Victorian Publishing, with the Original Text. Stanford UP/Edinburgh UP (1984).

(with Lloyd Osbourne) ‘The Wrecker’. Scribner’s Magazine 10-12 (Aug 1891-July 1892).

(with Lloyd Osbourne) The Wrecker. New York/London: Scribner’s/Cassell (1892). Tus 12.

A Footnote to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa. New York/London: Scribner’s/Cassell (1892). Tus 21.

(with W.E. Henley) Three Plays by W.E. Henley and R.L. Stevenson. London: Nutt (1892). Includes Beau Austin (privately printed 1884; first performed 1890), Admiral Guinea (privately printed 1884, first performed 1897), Deacon Brodie, or, The Double Life (privately printed 1880, revised edition 1888, first performed 1882). Tus 24.

Across the Plains With Other Memories and Essays. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Scribner’s (1892). 
Contents: ‘Across the Plains: Leaves from the Notebook of an Emigrant between New York and San Francisco’, ‘The Old Pacific Capital’, ‘Fontainebleau’,  ‘Epilogue to An Inland Voyage’, Contributions to the History of Fife: Random Memories’, ‘The Education of an Engineer: More Random Memories’, ‘The Lantern Bearers’,  ‘A Chapter on Dreams’, ‘Beggars’,  ‘A Letter to a Young Gentleman who Proposes to Embrace the Career of Art’, ‘Pulvis et Umbra’, ‘A Christmas Sermon’.


‘The Isle of Voices’. National Observer (Feb 1893). Included in Island Nights’ Entertainments (1893).

Island Nights’ Entertainments. London/New York: Cassell/Scribner’s (Apr 1893). Tus 13. 
Contents: ‘The Beach of Falesà’, ‘The Bottle Imp’, ‘The Isle of Voices’.

‘Scott’s Voyage in the Lighthouse Yacht. Note’ Scribner’s Magazine 14 (Oct. 1893): 492-4.

‘David Balfour: Memoirs of his Adventures at Home and Abroad’. Atalanta 6 (Dec 1892-Sept 1893).

Catriona (in USA: David Balfour). London/New York: Cassell/Scribner’s (Sep 1893). Tus 7.


‘My First Book: Treasure Island’. The Idler 6 (Aug 1894)/McClure’s Magazine 3 (Sep 1894). Tus 2.

(with Lloyd Osbourne). ‘The Ebb-Tide’. To-day [London] 1 (Nov. 1893 – Feb 1894)/McClure’s Magazine (Feb-July 1894).

(with Lloyd Osbourne). The Ebb-Tide. A Trio and a Quartette. London/Chicago: Heinemann/Stone & Kimball (1894). Tus. 14. Cent Ed (1995).

Posthumous Publications:


‘The Great North Road’ (unfinished (8 chap.), written 1884-5). Illustrated London News/The Cosmopolitan [New York] (Christmas 1895/Dec. 1895-Jan 1896). Tus 16.

(with W.E. Henley) ‘Macaire’. The Chap Book (Chicago)/The New Review (June 1895).

(with W.E. Henley) Macaire: A Melodramatic Farce in Three Acts. Chicago/London: Stone & Kimball (1895)/Heinemann (1897). (Privately printed 1885, first performed 1900). Tus 24.

Kidnapped. London: Cassells, 1895. [This edition brings in corrections that Stevenson sent back from Samoa just before he died, as well as earlier ones. The corrections were not picked up in the Edinburgh Edition, which incorporates some earlier corrections, and it is from that source that nearly all later editions derive.]

‘Letters to Young Friends’ (introduction and notes by Lloyd Osbourne). St Nicholas 23 (Dec. 1896, Jan., Feb. 1896): 91-110, 189-195, 304-311. Edin Ed  25 (as ‘Letters to Young People’). [Letters to Adelaide Boodle and Austin Strong.]

Songs of Travel and other Verses. Edin Ed, Poetry (1895). As individual volume: London: Chatto & Windus (1896). (Verses published in The Pall Mall Gazette, The New Review, The Scots Observer, The Court and Society Review, The Antipodean, Longman’s Magazine, Scribner’s Magazine, July 1890 – Jan 1895).

The Amateur Emigrant. Edin Ed 3 (1895). Boston: Stone, Kimball (1895). Tus 18. (First part of the volume with the same title ready for publication, but withdrawn, in 1880; the second part published as ‘Across the Plains’, 1883.) Hart, James D. (ed.) (1966) From Scotland to Silverado, includes material not published in 1893. First publication of the entire manuscript in Swearingen, Roger G. (ed.) (1976-7). The Amateur Emigrant. Ashland: Lewis Osborne, 2 vols.. Also Noble, Andrew (1985). From the Clyde to CaliforniaRobert Louis Stevenson’s Emigrant Journey. Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP. [Hart’s 1966 edition is based on the 1895 Edinburgh Edition with inserts from the manuscript corresponding to passages not included in 1895. Noble’s text follows Swearingen’s edition but arranges the text as in 1895 (with ‘New York’ at the beginning of the second part not at the end of the first part) and uses the 1895 section titles. Roger Swearingen carefully transcribes Stevenson’s original manuscript with the two section titles ‘The Emigrant Ship’ and ‘America: The Emigrant Train’, which starts with the chapter ‘New York’]

Prose poems, ‘Sunday Thoughts’ and ‘Good Content’. San Francisco Call 14 April 1895: 14 (later in A.H. Japp (1905), Robert Louis Stevenson: A Record, An Estimate and a Memorial, 166-9).


‘Lay Morals’. Edin Ed 21 (1896). Tus 26.

Sketches (‘The Satyrist’, ‘Nuits Blanches’, ‘The Wreath of Immortelles’, ‘Nurses’, ‘A Character’). Edin. Ed. 21 (1896). Tus 30.

[A Retrospect]. Edin. Ed. 21 (1896). Tus 30.

‘Note to The Master of Ballantrae’. First draft (as ‘Genesis of The Master of Ballantrae’) Edin. Ed. 21 (1896). Parts of the later draft in Hitherto Unpublished Prose Writings (Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1921) (under the correct title, five paragraphs not in the first draft); and in Elsie Noble Caldwell (1960), Last Witness for Robert Louis Stevenson. The two drafts transcribed in their entirety in a booklet by Roger G. Swearingen, privately distributed at the Fourth Biennial Stevenson Conference at Saranac Lake, 2006.

Prayers. Edin Ed 21 (1896). Two more prayers in Hitherto Unpublished Prose Writings (Boston: Bibliophile Society, 1921); two more in Scribner’s Magazine 71 (Jan. 1922); four more in Vailima Ed. 26 (1923), which also includes the 1896, 1921 and one of the 1922 prayers. Tus 21 (from the Vailima Ed.).

‘Fables’Longman’s Magazine (August-September 1895). Included in Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. With other Fables. London: Longmans, Green (1896). Published on their own New York: Scribner’s (1896). Tus 5 and 2. Contents: The Persons of the Tale; The Sinking Ship; The Two Matches; The Sick Man and the Fireman; The Devil and the Innkeeper; The Penitent; The Yellow Paint; The House of Eld; The Four Reformers; The Man and His Friend; The Reader; The Citizen and the Traveller; The Distinguished Stranger; The Cart-horses and the Saddle-horse; The Tadpole and the Frog; Something in It; Faith, Half-faith and No Faith At All; The Touchstone; The Poor Thing; The Song of the Morrow.

‘Weir of Hermiston’. Cosmopolis 1 (Jan-Apr 1896).

Weir of Hermiston: An Unfinished Romance. London/New York: Chatto & Windus/Scribner’s (1896). Tus 16.

In the South Seas (ed. S. Colvin). London/New York: Chatto & Windus (Edin Ed 20)/Scribner’s (1896). Additional material and re-arrangements in the Swanston Ed 18 (1912), Vailima Ed 26 (1923), Tus 20 (1924).

‘Cockermouth and Keswick’. Edin Ed 21 (1896). Tus 30.

‘Rosa Quo Locorum’. Edin Ed 21 (1896). Tus 30.

‘Records of a Family of Engineers’. Edin Ed 18 (1896). Tus 19.

‘The Satyrist’, ‘Nuits Blanches’, ‘The Wreath of Immortelles’, ‘Nurses’, ‘A Character’ (‘grouped as ‘Sketches’). Edin. Ed. 21 (1896). Tus. 30.

‘A Winter’s Walk in Carrick and Galloway’. The Illustrated London News (summer 1896)/The Chap-Book (Chicago) (15 June 1896). Tus. 30 (where the title is ‘A Winter Walk…’).


‘A Mountain Town in France’. The Studio (Winter 1896/7): 3-17. Also A Mountain Town in France. New York/London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1897. Tus 17.

‘Heathercat’ (unfinished, 3 chap.). Edin Ed 20 (1897). Tus 16.

‘The Young Chevalier’ (unfinished, 2 chap.). Edin Ed 26 (1897). Tus 16.

‘St. Ives: The Adventures of a French Prisoner in England’. Pall Mall Magazine (Nov 1896 – Nov 1897).

St. Ives: Being The Adventures of a French Prisoner in England. New York/London: Scribner’s (1897)/Heinemann (1898). Tus 15.


‘The Ideal House’ (unfinished essay). Edin Ed. 28 (1898). Tus 25.

‘Reflections and Remarks on Human Life’.  Edin Ed. 28 (1898). Tus 26.

‘Preface to The Master of Ballantrae’. Edin Ed. 28 (1898). Tus 10.

[Stevenson at Play: war games correspondence]. Scribner’s Magazine 24 (Dec. 1898). Tus 30.


[Notes of Childhood]. partly pub. in Balfour, Life (1901) I: 31-4, 40. (later used for ‘Memoirs of Himself’ and ‘Rosa Quo Locorum’)


‘Additional Poems’. Pentland Edition.


Prose poem, ‘A Summer Night’. Scribner’s Magazine 52 (Nov. 1912): 593-4.


‘The Waif Woman: A Cue—From a Saga’. Scribner’s Magazine 56 (Dec 1914): 687-701. Also London: Chatto & Windus, 1916. Tus 5. Tus 5.


‘On the Choice of a Profession’. Scribner’s Magazine 57 (Jan. 1915) : 66-9. Tus 28.


Poems, Hitherto Unpublished. (1916). Boston: Bibliophile Society. The same poems were published (with a foreword by Lloyd Osbourne) as New Poems and Variant Readings. London: Chatto & Windus, 1918.

On the Choice of a Profession. London: Chatto & Windus. (28 pp, 3pp Introduction by Lloyd Osbourne)


‘The History of Moses’ (1919). Daylesford, Pennsylvania: privately printed for A. Edward Newton. Then from here in the Vailima Edition 25 (1923). Tus. 28.


‘San Carlos Day’ (contribution to Monterey Californian). Scribner’s Magazine 68 (Aug. 1920). Repr in Hart, James D. (1966). From Scotland to Silverado. Cambridge: Belknap/Harvard. For other possible contributions to the Monterey Californian, see Pacific Historical Review 34 (1965). Additional attribution in Fisher, Anne B. (1946). No More a Stranger.


Poems of Robert Louis Stevenson Hitherto Unpublished. Boston: Bibliophile Society (1921). Included (as ‘New Poems’) in Tus 23.

‘When the Devil Was Well’. Hitherto Unpublished Prose Writings. Boston: Bibliophile Society (1921). Tus 5.

‘The Story of a Recluse’ (unfinished, 1 chap.). Hitherto Unpublished Prose Writings. Boston: Boston Bibliophile Society (1921). Tus 16.

[Protest on Behalf of Boer Independence]. Hitherto Unpublished Prose Writings. Boston: Boston Bibliophile Society (1921). Tus 28.

‘Confessions of a Unionist: An Unpublished “Talk on Things Current”’ By Robert Louis Stevenson’. Cambridge, MA: privately printed.


‘Note on Kidnapped’. W.H. Arnold, ‘My Stevensons’, Scribner’s Magazine 71 (Jan 1922): 65.

(with Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson) The Hanging Judge. Vailima Ed 6. Tus 24.

Poems. Vailima Ed 8 [contains some previously-unprinted poems. Republished separately as The Complete Poems of Robert Louis Stevenson. New York: Scribner’s, 1923; and in Tus. 12-13, 1923.]


‘On Time’ (unfinished essay). Vailima Ed 24 (1923). Tus 25.

‘Adventures of Henry Shovel’ (unfinished, 3 chap.). Vailima Ed 25 (1923). Tus 16.

‘The Owl’ (unfinished, 1 chap.). Vailima Ed 25 (1923). Tus 16.

‘Cannonmills’ (unfinished, 1 chap.). Vailima Ed 25 (1923). Tus 16.

‘Mr Baskerville and His Ward’, also referred to as ‘Robin Run-the-Hedge’ (unfinished, 1 chap.). Vailima Ed 25 (1923). Tus 16.

‘Stevenson’s Companion to the Cook Book’. Vailima Ed. 26 (1923). Tus 5.

[Valedictory address to the Speculative Society]. ‘The Last Unpublished Robert Louis Stevenson’. The Outlook 19 Feb 1898: 71-3. Inaccurate transcript by Stevenson’s mother, ed. with an intro. by Katharine D. Osbourne, as The Best Thing in Edinburgh, San Francisco: priv. ptd. (J. Howell), 1923.

[Selections from his notebook]. Vailima Ed. 25 (1923). Tus 29.


‘The Castaways of Soledad’. Buffalo, NY: privately printed for Thomas B. Lockwood (75 copies). Otherwise unpublished.


Jordan, John E. (ed.) (1954). Robert Louis Stevenson’s Silverado Journal. San Francisco: Book Club of California/Grabhorn Press. With 4 MS facsimiles. Limited edition of 400.


‘In the Latin Quarter. No.  I. A Ball At Mr. Elsinare’s’, ‘The Paris Bourse’, ed. Ernest Mehew in The Stevensonian. The Journal of the Robert Louis Stevenson Club, London 2 (Aug. 1965): 2-7.


[Simoneau’s Inn.] A fragment published by Hart, James D. (1966). From Scotland to Silverado. Cambridge: Belknap/Harvard.


Schiffman, Nancy Blonder (ed.) (1973). ‘A Critical Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Unpublished Play Autolycus in Service’. Diss. U of South Carolina, 1973.


Golding, Gordon (ed.) (1978). The Cévennes Journal: Notes on a Journey through the French Highlands. Edinburgh/New York: Mainstream/Taplinger. Also in French (containing additional local and historical detail) Journal de Route en Cévennes (transl. Jacques Blondel). Toulouse : Edouart Privat for the Club Cévenol, 1978.


[The Treasure Island Illustrations] (c.1885). Carpenter, Kevin (ed.) (1982). ‘R. L. Stevenson on the Treasure Island Illustrations’. Notes and Queries 19iv (Aug. 1982): 322-25.

Swearingen, Roger G. (ed.) (1982).  An Old Song and Edifying Letters of the Rutherford Family. Paisley: Wilfion, 1982. [‘An Old Song’ had been published anonymously in 1877; ‘Edifying Letters’ is previously unpublished]


‘Authors and Publishers’. Jeremy Treglown, ‘R.L. Stevenson and the Authors-Publishers Debate’, Times Literary Supplement, 15-21 Jan 1988: 58-9. Also in Stevenson, Robert Louis (ed. Jeremy Treglown). 1988. The Lantern-Bearers and Other Essays. London: Chatto & Windus.

‘In the Latin Quarter. No.  I. A Ball At Mr. Elsinare’s’, ‘In the Latin Quarter. No. II. A Studio of Ladies’ Also in Stevenson, Robert Louis (ed. Jeremy Treglown). 1988. The Lantern-Bearers and Other Essays. London: Chatto & Windus.


‘The Enchantress’. Mann, David D. & Susan Garland Mann (eds.) (1989). The Georgia Review 43iii: 551-4 (‘Introduction’), 554-568 (text).

‘The Plague-Cellar’. Kenneth Gelder (ed.) (1989). Stevenson’s Scottish Stories and Essays. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP.


‘Markheim’ (text prepared for The Pall Mall Gazette in 1884, subsequently published with slight revisions in Unwin’s Christmas Annual 1886). Barry Menikoff (ed. and intro.). Tales from the Prince of Storytellers. Evanston: North Western University Press.


Prose Poems, ‘Sunday Thoughts’, ‘The Lighthouse: No. 1; On the Roof’, ‘The Lightroom’ and the three previously published in 1895 and 1912. Booth, B.A. & E. Mehew (eds.) (1994). The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. New Haven/London: Yale University Press. Vol. 2: 332–38.


‘The New Lighhouse on the Dhu Heartach Rock, Argyllshire’. Roger Swearingen (ed. and intro.). St. Helena, CA: The Silverado Museum.


‘Antiquities of Midlothian’, and ‘The Water of Leith’ in Hubbard, Tom and Duncan Glen (eds.) (2003). Stevenson’s Scotland. Edinburgh: The Mercat Press.


‘The Clockmaker’ and ‘The Scientific Ape’ in Parfect, Ralph (2005). ‘Robert Louis Stevenson’s “The Clockmaker” and “The Scientific Ape”: Two Unpublished Fables’. English Literature in Transition 48iv: 387–403.


‘Robert Hoskins (ed.). Sophia Scarlet and other Pacific Writings


‘Roger G. Swearingen (ed.), The Hair Trunk or The Ideal Commonwealth. An Extravaganza.  Kilkerran: Humming Earth, 2014.